Transition to the hot new trend of 'Eating Raw' with the new e-cookbook I've co-written!
Learn how to use herbs, sprouts, juices and sauces to add more raw food to your diet - without eating more salad!!
Holistic nutritionists recommend eating 25 to 50 per cent of our food raw. Why? Better health through improved absorption of nutrients because of enzymes in raw fruit and vegetables.
Order "110 Ways to Eat Well" now for only $10 at
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Essential Fruit & Veggie Secrets
Cleansing Secret #13 Fruit and Veggie Secrets
• For optimal nutrition, it’s best to use up fresh fruit and vegetables within two to three days.
• Wash fruit and vegetables thoroughly, but only for a short time in order to retain nutrients.
• For the same reason, cut up vegetables only a short time before using them. As soon as the surface of shredded or cut fruit and vegetables comes into contact with warmth and oxygen, important vital substances are lost.
• Cook vegetables for as short a time as possible to preserve nutrients and taste.
• Eat more raw vegetables! Their enzymes help you digest and absorb nutrients that are lost in cooking.
• To enhance the flavor of raw foods, use homemade savory sauces such as the recipe below.
Cleansing Secret #14 Basic Savory Sauce
3 onions - peeled and chopped
3 fresh tomatoes - sliced or diced
3 medium size Portobello mushrooms - pureed with a little water
2 cups of water
2 tablespoons of oil - corn or peanut
sea salt and red chilies flakes to taste
fresh parsley - finely chopped
Sauté onions until golden. Add tomatoes and continue sautéing for the next minute or two. Add pureed mushrooms and water and turn the heat to low. Add some salt, cover and simmer for another 2 minutes. Turn the heat off and add chili flakes and parsley. Serve over potatoes, rice or bite-sized lightly steamed or fresh raw veggies to add extra flavor.
• For optimal nutrition, it’s best to use up fresh fruit and vegetables within two to three days.
• Wash fruit and vegetables thoroughly, but only for a short time in order to retain nutrients.
• For the same reason, cut up vegetables only a short time before using them. As soon as the surface of shredded or cut fruit and vegetables comes into contact with warmth and oxygen, important vital substances are lost.
• Cook vegetables for as short a time as possible to preserve nutrients and taste.
• Eat more raw vegetables! Their enzymes help you digest and absorb nutrients that are lost in cooking.
• To enhance the flavor of raw foods, use homemade savory sauces such as the recipe below.
Cleansing Secret #14 Basic Savory Sauce
3 onions - peeled and chopped
3 fresh tomatoes - sliced or diced
3 medium size Portobello mushrooms - pureed with a little water
2 cups of water
2 tablespoons of oil - corn or peanut
sea salt and red chilies flakes to taste
fresh parsley - finely chopped
Sauté onions until golden. Add tomatoes and continue sautéing for the next minute or two. Add pureed mushrooms and water and turn the heat to low. Add some salt, cover and simmer for another 2 minutes. Turn the heat off and add chili flakes and parsley. Serve over potatoes, rice or bite-sized lightly steamed or fresh raw veggies to add extra flavor.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Make Informed Choices - Organic? or Conventionally Grown?
Cleansing Secret #12 Buy Organically Grown - Most of the Time!
Buy organically grown produce, especially when you’re on your cleanse. Your cleanse is helping your body remove toxins, so don’t add more with pesticide residue that remains on and in commercially grown produce.
Doesn’t washing or peeling remove all the pesticides? Nope. Both help, but no one can say that pesticides, sprayed on fruit and veggies periodically while they grow, can be removed completely. You can reduce the risk to your health and that of your family when you make informed choices.
The Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit organization that advocates for policies that protect global and individual health, produces the Shoppers' Guide to Pesticides in Produce. The guide is based on the results of nearly 87,000 pesticide tests.
The following are listed in descending order of pesticide concentration and toxicity…worst to best, so make sure to buy these fruits and veggies organically grown:
1. Peach
2. Apple
3. Bell Pepper
4. Celery
5. Nectarine
6. Strawberries
7. Cherries
8. Kale
9. Lettuce
10. Grapes (Imported)
11. Carrot
12. Pear
Of the 43 different fruit and vegetable categories in the Guide to Pesticides, the following fifteen foods had the lowest pesticide load when conventionally grown. They are the safest conventionally grown crops to consume:
1. Onion
2. Avocado
3. Sweet Corn
4. Pineapple
5. Mango
6. Asparagus
7. Sweet Peas
8. Kiwi
9. Cabbage
10. Eggplant
11. Papaya
12. Watermelon
13. Broccoli
14. Tomato
15. Sweet Potato
Want to experience optimal health? Transition to the hot new trend of 'Eating Raw' with the new e-cookbook I've co-written:
Buy organically grown produce, especially when you’re on your cleanse. Your cleanse is helping your body remove toxins, so don’t add more with pesticide residue that remains on and in commercially grown produce.
Doesn’t washing or peeling remove all the pesticides? Nope. Both help, but no one can say that pesticides, sprayed on fruit and veggies periodically while they grow, can be removed completely. You can reduce the risk to your health and that of your family when you make informed choices.
The Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit organization that advocates for policies that protect global and individual health, produces the Shoppers' Guide to Pesticides in Produce. The guide is based on the results of nearly 87,000 pesticide tests.
The following are listed in descending order of pesticide concentration and toxicity…worst to best, so make sure to buy these fruits and veggies organically grown:
1. Peach
2. Apple
3. Bell Pepper
4. Celery
5. Nectarine
6. Strawberries
7. Cherries
8. Kale
9. Lettuce
10. Grapes (Imported)
11. Carrot
12. Pear
Of the 43 different fruit and vegetable categories in the Guide to Pesticides, the following fifteen foods had the lowest pesticide load when conventionally grown. They are the safest conventionally grown crops to consume:
1. Onion
2. Avocado
3. Sweet Corn
4. Pineapple
5. Mango
6. Asparagus
7. Sweet Peas
8. Kiwi
9. Cabbage
10. Eggplant
11. Papaya
12. Watermelon
13. Broccoli
14. Tomato
15. Sweet Potato
Want to experience optimal health? Transition to the hot new trend of 'Eating Raw' with the new e-cookbook I've co-written:
organically grown,
raw foods
Sunday, September 27, 2009
War, Pets, and Alignment. Abraham-Hicks Law of Attraction
Watch this short video. It will change how you look at your life!
War, Pets, and Alignment. Abraham-Hicks Law of Attraction
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War, Pets, and Alignment. Abraham-Hicks Law of Attraction
Shared via AddThis
Thursday, September 24, 2009
You can do it too!!

People have been asking me about the nutritional cleansing system I use. It's called Isagenix.
The photo at left is me in November 2006. Above it is me 39 days later. The photo next to it is me two years after the first photo. This cleanse really works and is a tool for life-long health and weight management. I not only released 25 lbs, but I have lots of energy, a more positive outlook on life, I sleep better and I have better mental focus.
If you're ready to take responsibility for your health and wellness, I'll coach you, no charge, to help you succeed!
Send me an e-mail telling me about you and your health goals, what you've already done to get what you want and how committed you are to reaching your goals now.
This is NOT for people who want to 'try' or people who need a lot of hand-holding. You must be READY and committed to make it work for you. If you're serious, I'll be with you to see it through.
See how easily the new e-cookbook I've co-written can catapult you to optimal health:
Enhance your cleanse and feel great with ‘healthy fats’…
Cleansing Secret #11 Healthy Fats
Did you know that margarine and foods made with hydrogenated fats or trans fats are toxic?
These unnatural ‘foods’ make your body’s detox organs sluggish and require huge amounts of energy for digestion. They also lead to weight gain and many are known neurotoxins – that is, they attack the brain and nervous system, which may result in pain and inflammation.
Do you prefer the spreadable texture of margarine? Make a batch of ‘Better Butter’ instead! Simply use electric beaters to combine 1/4 cup cold pressed Extra Virgin olive oil with 1/4 cup room temperature butter until smooth. Use up to 3 tsp. daily, if required to flavor vegetables. Better Butter is soft like margarine and liquifies at room temperature, so keep refrigerated.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)
EFAs are important for maintaining the membranes of all cells; for making prostaglandins which regulate many body processes including inflammation and blood clotting. Another requirement for fat in the diet is to enable the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K to be absorbed from food; and for regulating body cholesterol metabolism.
Food sources include vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, seeds. Most people do not get enough EFAs – supplement daily with high quality Omega 3-6-9 oil – 15 ml oil for every 50 lbs body weight.
Did you know that margarine and foods made with hydrogenated fats or trans fats are toxic?
These unnatural ‘foods’ make your body’s detox organs sluggish and require huge amounts of energy for digestion. They also lead to weight gain and many are known neurotoxins – that is, they attack the brain and nervous system, which may result in pain and inflammation.
Do you prefer the spreadable texture of margarine? Make a batch of ‘Better Butter’ instead! Simply use electric beaters to combine 1/4 cup cold pressed Extra Virgin olive oil with 1/4 cup room temperature butter until smooth. Use up to 3 tsp. daily, if required to flavor vegetables. Better Butter is soft like margarine and liquifies at room temperature, so keep refrigerated.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)
EFAs are important for maintaining the membranes of all cells; for making prostaglandins which regulate many body processes including inflammation and blood clotting. Another requirement for fat in the diet is to enable the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K to be absorbed from food; and for regulating body cholesterol metabolism.
Food sources include vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, seeds. Most people do not get enough EFAs – supplement daily with high quality Omega 3-6-9 oil – 15 ml oil for every 50 lbs body weight.
health and wellness,
healthy fats
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Cleansing Secret #10 It’s ‘Be Kind to Me’ Month!
Are you being kind to yourself?
Go ahead – indulge with extra pampering during your cleanse. Take especially good care of your body. This can be very enjoyable by taking a weekly aromatic detox bath, and dry-brushing before your daily shower.
Taking care of your body is a way of loving yourself. And we all need more self love!
o Dry Brush Your Body
Boost your immune system, help eliminate cellulite, remove dead skin cells and make your skin soft.
You’ll need a natural bristle brush available at most pharmacies. Make sure your body and brush are dry.
Always stroke gently, but firmly two or three times in each area – from feet to neck – always in the direction of your heart. Avoid private areas and damaged skin.
This process should take 5-7 minutes.
o Pamper Yourself with An Aromatherapy Detox Bath
A Detox Bath helps your body release toxins through the skin and the aromatherapy oil soothes your nerves and eases headaches and stress.
The Recipe
Into 1 tbsp. milk or vodka stir 10 drops essential oil of your choice: Lavender, Juniper berry, Geranium, Black pepper, Cypress. Add liquid to 1½ cup Epsoms Salts and stir the mixture into comfortably warm bathwater.
Step in and relax for at least 20 minutes.
Drink a large glass of water when you get out; stay warm and go to bed!
See how easily the new e-cookbook I've co-written can improve the success of your 30-day cleanse and catapult you to optimal health:
Are you being kind to yourself?
Go ahead – indulge with extra pampering during your cleanse. Take especially good care of your body. This can be very enjoyable by taking a weekly aromatic detox bath, and dry-brushing before your daily shower.
Taking care of your body is a way of loving yourself. And we all need more self love!
o Dry Brush Your Body
Boost your immune system, help eliminate cellulite, remove dead skin cells and make your skin soft.
You’ll need a natural bristle brush available at most pharmacies. Make sure your body and brush are dry.
Always stroke gently, but firmly two or three times in each area – from feet to neck – always in the direction of your heart. Avoid private areas and damaged skin.
This process should take 5-7 minutes.
o Pamper Yourself with An Aromatherapy Detox Bath
A Detox Bath helps your body release toxins through the skin and the aromatherapy oil soothes your nerves and eases headaches and stress.
The Recipe
Into 1 tbsp. milk or vodka stir 10 drops essential oil of your choice: Lavender, Juniper berry, Geranium, Black pepper, Cypress. Add liquid to 1½ cup Epsoms Salts and stir the mixture into comfortably warm bathwater.
Step in and relax for at least 20 minutes.
Drink a large glass of water when you get out; stay warm and go to bed!
See how easily the new e-cookbook I've co-written can improve the success of your 30-day cleanse and catapult you to optimal health:
Friday, September 18, 2009
Cleansing Secret #9 Snacks
A cleanse is not a fast! Be kind to yourself and choose a cleanse that still allows you to eat something to help you feel energized and satisfied, not faint and exhausted.
In order to help our bodies detoxify, we need to be in a mild state of ketosis which occurs when our bodies are forced to use stored fat for energy, such as on a cleanse day.
However, being without the quick energy that's available from carbohydrates can cause wild blood sugar fluctuations which can deplete your energy, cause your body to gain weight or depress your immune system.
Isagenix has two products that solve this problem, satisfy hunger and help make cleanse days easy!
The Isagenix 30-Day Cleansing Program includes a delicious chocolate or vanilla wafer snack you can enjoy up to six times on a cleanse day. ‘Snacks’ add a small amount of carbohydrates, stimulate the colon slightly, and stabilize blood sugar.
Isagenix has developed nutritional supplements called IsaDelight that taste exactly like high quality Belgian dark chocolates. They have the same amount of sugar as 1/8th of an apple. They’re not candy, but are healthy chocolates that naturally balance ‘feel good’ chemicals in the brain to ...
• Curb hunger
• Put you into a good mood,
• Give you more energy, greater focus
• Promote calm
• Make it easier and fun to lose weight!!!
Contact me for information about these decadent-tasting supplements and the Isagenix 30-Day Cleansing Program:
See how easily the new e-cookbook I've co-written can catapult you to optimal health:
A cleanse is not a fast! Be kind to yourself and choose a cleanse that still allows you to eat something to help you feel energized and satisfied, not faint and exhausted.
In order to help our bodies detoxify, we need to be in a mild state of ketosis which occurs when our bodies are forced to use stored fat for energy, such as on a cleanse day.
However, being without the quick energy that's available from carbohydrates can cause wild blood sugar fluctuations which can deplete your energy, cause your body to gain weight or depress your immune system.
Isagenix has two products that solve this problem, satisfy hunger and help make cleanse days easy!
The Isagenix 30-Day Cleansing Program includes a delicious chocolate or vanilla wafer snack you can enjoy up to six times on a cleanse day. ‘Snacks’ add a small amount of carbohydrates, stimulate the colon slightly, and stabilize blood sugar.
Isagenix has developed nutritional supplements called IsaDelight that taste exactly like high quality Belgian dark chocolates. They have the same amount of sugar as 1/8th of an apple. They’re not candy, but are healthy chocolates that naturally balance ‘feel good’ chemicals in the brain to ...
• Curb hunger
• Put you into a good mood,
• Give you more energy, greater focus
• Promote calm
• Make it easier and fun to lose weight!!!
Contact me for information about these decadent-tasting supplements and the Isagenix 30-Day Cleansing Program:
See how easily the new e-cookbook I've co-written can catapult you to optimal health:
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Set Yourself Up for Success!
Here are a few more cleansing secrets to enhance your cleanse and make you feel GREAT!
Cleansing Secret #6 How to Set Yourself Up for Success!
Have you gotten rid of all the bad snack food in your house (chips, crackers, cookies, chocolate, candy, wine, beer, high sugar and fat foods)? This is a big essential step that will help you achieve success! Remember, ‘Decide, then follow through.’
Cleansing Secret #7 Have you reached a weight-loss plateau?
If you are unable to lose weight after steadily watching the scales dip, if you are weight-training to build muscle or have a slow functioning thyroid, it will help to order a container of Isagenix’ IsaPro, top grade, unflavored whey protein, and add it to your shake.
Cleansing Secret #8 Exercise makes things move!
Are you staying active every day? Go for a daily 20 to 30-minute walk to bond with one of your kids, your spouse, your dog, or go by yourself for special alone time.
Exercise is the only way to keep all your body systems in top condition. That includes helping your bowels move two or three times daily and ultimately providing you with maximum benefits from your cleanse.
Combining cleansing and exercise provides better results than either does on its own.
Don’t do a strenuous work out on cleanse days – walk instead!
See how easily the new e-cookbook I've co-written can help catapult you to optimal health:
Cleansing Secret #6 How to Set Yourself Up for Success!
Have you gotten rid of all the bad snack food in your house (chips, crackers, cookies, chocolate, candy, wine, beer, high sugar and fat foods)? This is a big essential step that will help you achieve success! Remember, ‘Decide, then follow through.’
Cleansing Secret #7 Have you reached a weight-loss plateau?
If you are unable to lose weight after steadily watching the scales dip, if you are weight-training to build muscle or have a slow functioning thyroid, it will help to order a container of Isagenix’ IsaPro, top grade, unflavored whey protein, and add it to your shake.
Cleansing Secret #8 Exercise makes things move!
Are you staying active every day? Go for a daily 20 to 30-minute walk to bond with one of your kids, your spouse, your dog, or go by yourself for special alone time.
Exercise is the only way to keep all your body systems in top condition. That includes helping your bowels move two or three times daily and ultimately providing you with maximum benefits from your cleanse.
Combining cleansing and exercise provides better results than either does on its own.
Don’t do a strenuous work out on cleanse days – walk instead!
See how easily the new e-cookbook I've co-written can help catapult you to optimal health:
health and wellness,
weight loss
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Use Food and Herbs to Help You Detoxify
Last time I wrote about the importance of drinking enough water to help your body detoxify. Today’s two cleansing tips are about how to use the right foods and herbs to assist the detoxification process.
Cleansing Secret #4 An Easy Cleanse-Right Dinner
Prepare one to two medium-sized bowls of lightly-steamed vegetables served over one cup of brown, or wild and brown rice. Choose a variety of the freshest veggies you can find, including roots, stems and greens.
Autumn: Broccoli, cabbage, potato, celery, spinach. Cauliflower, onion, carrots, chard, sugar peas.
Winter: Broccoli, cabbage, potato, kale, spinach, chard. butternut squash, onion, cauliflower, collard greens, Jerusalem artichoke.
Spring: Choose spring vegetables such as asparagus, baby carrots, spring garlic, red chard, beets, leeks, broccoli; wild greens such as mustard, sorrel or collard with a steamed artichoke.
Summer: Zucchini, new potatoes, green beans, carrots, onion. Beets and beet greens, yellow squash, bell pepper, eggplant.
Cleansing Secret #5 Herbs and Salt
To season vegetables, add a bit of sea salt, vegetable salt, or a good garlic salt without additives, cayenne for warmth, or a sprinkling of your choice of dried or fresh herbs such as thyme, sage, oregano, basil, marjoram, chives, or parsley.
• Instead of regular table salt, use unpurified sea salt or Himalayan sea salt because it contains many important trace minerals.
• Fresh herbs contain many vitamins and minerals. When used to season food, you will need less salt, which is easier on your blood pressure!
For practical information about using herbs to help you heal, see the new e-book I co-wrote at
Bon appétit!
Cleansing Secret #4 An Easy Cleanse-Right Dinner
Prepare one to two medium-sized bowls of lightly-steamed vegetables served over one cup of brown, or wild and brown rice. Choose a variety of the freshest veggies you can find, including roots, stems and greens.
Autumn: Broccoli, cabbage, potato, celery, spinach. Cauliflower, onion, carrots, chard, sugar peas.
Winter: Broccoli, cabbage, potato, kale, spinach, chard. butternut squash, onion, cauliflower, collard greens, Jerusalem artichoke.
Spring: Choose spring vegetables such as asparagus, baby carrots, spring garlic, red chard, beets, leeks, broccoli; wild greens such as mustard, sorrel or collard with a steamed artichoke.
Summer: Zucchini, new potatoes, green beans, carrots, onion. Beets and beet greens, yellow squash, bell pepper, eggplant.
Cleansing Secret #5 Herbs and Salt
To season vegetables, add a bit of sea salt, vegetable salt, or a good garlic salt without additives, cayenne for warmth, or a sprinkling of your choice of dried or fresh herbs such as thyme, sage, oregano, basil, marjoram, chives, or parsley.
• Instead of regular table salt, use unpurified sea salt or Himalayan sea salt because it contains many important trace minerals.
• Fresh herbs contain many vitamins and minerals. When used to season food, you will need less salt, which is easier on your blood pressure!
For practical information about using herbs to help you heal, see the new e-book I co-wrote at
Bon appétit!
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