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Friday, September 18, 2009

Cleansing Secret #9 Snacks
A cleanse is not a fast! Be kind to yourself and choose a cleanse that still allows you to eat something to help you feel energized and satisfied, not faint and exhausted.

In order to help our bodies detoxify, we need to be in a mild state of ketosis which occurs when our bodies are forced to use stored fat for energy, such as on a cleanse day.

However, being without the quick energy that's available from carbohydrates can cause wild blood sugar fluctuations which can deplete your energy, cause your body to gain weight or depress your immune system.

Isagenix has two products that solve this problem, satisfy hunger and help make cleanse days easy!

The Isagenix 30-Day Cleansing Program includes a delicious chocolate or vanilla wafer snack you can enjoy up to six times on a cleanse day. ‘Snacks’ add a small amount of carbohydrates, stimulate the colon slightly, and stabilize blood sugar.

Isagenix has developed nutritional supplements called IsaDelight that taste exactly like high quality Belgian dark chocolates. They have the same amount of sugar as 1/8th of an apple. They’re not candy, but are healthy chocolates that naturally balance ‘feel good’ chemicals in the brain to ...
• Curb hunger
• Put you into a good mood,
• Give you more energy, greater focus
• Promote calm
• Make it easier and fun to lose weight!!!

Contact me for information about these decadent-tasting supplements and the Isagenix 30-Day Cleansing Program:

See how easily the new e-cookbook I've co-written can catapult you to optimal health:

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