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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Keep the Weight Off - Use Isagenix Daily!

Cleansing Secret #23 Five Extra Pounds Matter!
Carrying an extra 5 lbs of body weight puts a significant drag on your heart!
Those extra 5 lbs cause your heart to have to pump your blood the distance between earth and the moon every six months!

One of the side-benefits of a top-quality cleanse is releasing unnecessary fat. Our bodies put a layer of fat and water around harmful substances to protect our internal organs. The fat and toxins are safely and quickly released by total body cleansing. This means when we finish a deep cleanse, our bodies will have fewer toxins with no rebound effect like after a fad diet - when the fat comes back quickly!

Cleansing is a healthy lifestyle choice - like regular exercise. You need to cleanse regularly too! If you exercised every day for a month, then stood up and said 'That's it! I'm done!' What do you think would happen to your newly toned and invigorated body?

That's right! You've got to keep it up. It's the same with nutritional cleansing. The good news is cleansing is easy, delicious and gentle - with Isagenix.

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